
来源: 新农村发展研究院      时间:2015年09月06日    浏览量:

题 目:“欧洲2020战略”与欧盟电子商务(Europe 2020–Europe's growth Strategy and E-business in European Union)

主讲人:Samo Bobek博士、教授(斯洛文尼亚马里博尔大学经贸学院)

时 间:2015年9月7日(星期一)下午16:00-18:00

主 办:国际合作交流处、新农村发展研究院

地 点:新农村发展研究院会议室(农大老校区综合楼四层半)

语 言:英语



Prof.Dr. Samo Bobek

Samo Bobek is a previous Dean, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at University Maribor and a professor of E-business and Information Management. His research areas are IT/IS Governance and Information management, Business solutions, E-business, Banking technology. He has published more than 250 articles, conference papers and book chapters. He teaches information systems and e-business courses on undergraduate, master and doctorate level. He is also a head of the academic department for E-business where he is a chair of bachelor study programme “E-business” and of master study programme “Information and E-business Management”. He is a member of the Senate of University Maribor. Before being appointed as a dean of FEB in 2007 he was vice dean for research and vice dean for international cooperation at FEB. Professor Bobek also acts as consultant to several corporations, banks and insurance companies in Slovenia.


