加拿大Dr. Thomas Kunz和Dr. Jean Kunz学术报告通知

来源:    时间:2015年12月09日    浏览量:



时   间:2015年12月10日(星期四)上午9:00-12:00

地   点:新农村发展研究院会议室(老校区综合楼四层半)

报告一:“精准农业的网络挑战”(Networking Challenges for Precision Farming)

主讲人:Dr. Thomas Kunz(加拿大卡尔顿大学信息和计算机工程系教授,华东师大访问教授、信息学博士)

报告二:“社会管理的新方法”(Emerging Approaches to Social Management)

主讲人:Dr. Jean Kunz(加拿大联邦政府社会政策研究专家、社会学博士)



Networking Challenges for Precision Farming

Dr. Thomas Kunz



According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, food production must increase by 60% to be able to feed the growing population expected to hit 9 billion in 2050. Advances in many different areas are required to achieve this goal. The increased use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) to advance agricultural, in particular precision agriculture, is seen as one promising approach. In this talk I will briefly survey existing approaches to provide Internet connectivity to rural communities and work on wireless sensor networks to collect relevant data at a micro-level to increase crop yield and to reduce production costs. For each of these areas, I will also introduce some of the research work we have been doing in my research group.

Dr. Thomas Kunz is a Full Professor in the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. For the 2015/16 academic year, he is also a visiting professor at East China Normal University in Shanghai. He heads the Mobile Computing Group, researching wireless network architectures, network protocols, and middleware layers for innovative wireless applications. He has served on more than 70 TPCs of international conferences and workshops in the mobile and wireless domain and has collaborated extensively with both industry and government research labs. He is the author or coauthor of more than 220 technical papers and received a number of awards and best paper prizes. He is a senior member of both IEEE and ACM. Dr. Kunz received the Diplom in Wirtschaftsinformatik in 1990 and the Dr.Ing. in Informatik in 1994, both from the Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany.


Emerging Approaches to Social Management

Dr. Jean Kunz

Abstract: The digital age, with the acceleration of networked-enabled technologies, has transformed the way individuals relate to each other and more importantly, to social institutions. This presents opportunities and challenges for organizations and governments as they adapt to expectations of clients and citizens. This presentation focuses on some major approaches such as designed-based innovation, foresight, and co-creation.

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